Treatment and costs

How does it work?

You can sign up with outdoor psychologist Delft Zilverlinde without any obligation. I will mail you back and we can schedule the first walking appointment. There, you can tell me all about your challenges and what you aim to achieve with the treatment. This session lasts approximately 60 minutes.

If you prefer, I can also give you a call before we make the 1th walking appointment. During the call, we can get to know each other and I will explain how I can assist you.

If you are satisfied with the 1th session, we can plan a follow-up appointment. After every 3rd session, we will assess how the treatment is working for you and discuss the way forward.

You have the freedom to determine how many sessions you wish to attend. I can offer guidance in this regard.

Treatment available in English and Dutch

Why is the treatment outside?

Walking and nature both have a calming effect on the body and mind. Anxiety, tension, and melancholy decrease. Additionally, we gain new energy. Talking while walking is often easier than when we are facing each other in a counseling room.

While walking, we can make use of the following proven psychological techniques:

Positive psychology

In Positive psychology, the focus is on where you would like to go, rather than on the problems and what is not going well. Positive psychology focuses on things that are going well or things that can help you grow. This includes your positive traits. Together, we can explore what these are and how you can use these traits to achieve your goals. Positive psychology also focuses on resilience. Resilience allows you to recover from unexpected or negative events, or to deal with setbacks. Training your resilience is something that is often emphasized in positive psychology.

There is also a focus on connectedness with other people. You reflect on how valuable social relationships can be and how the people in your environment can support you. Another aspect that positive psychology emphasizes is gratitude. Recognizing what you are grateful for can also help you achieve your goals.

Welzijn in de Delftse hout
Wandelen en behandelen in Delft

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

ACT is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy. The treatment focuses on developing resilience to help you better cope with problems.

In daily life, unpleasant events are not always solvable or preventable. You will encounter setbacks in your life that you must learn to process. It is also impossible to control everything in your life. Letting go of things is therefore an important tool to learn. Finding this difficult may lead you to avoidance behaviors like endlessly binge-watching Netflix with a chocolate bar or getting caught up in endless worrying or catastrophic thinking. While it's okay if this happens occasionally, it's better not to automatically fall into these patterns with every setback.

Instead of immediately engaging in fight or flight mode in response to adversity, it's better to pause and feel. Rather than automatically resisting, fully allow yourself to feel your emotions. Then you can make a choice: 'despite feeling bad, I will focus on things that enrich and add value to my life'. You accept and then commit yourself to what matters to you in life. That's what ACT is all about.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive therapy mainly focuses on your thoughts and the emotions that these thoughts influence. Are your thoughts accurate? Or are you viewing everything through a 'negative lens'?

Initially, it's about becoming aware of your thoughts. Sometimes you may be overwhelmed by feelings of panic or sadness without really knowing why. In therapy, you will identify automatic thoughts and become more aware of the impact of these (often unhelpful) thoughts on your emotions and behavior. Ultimately, you learn to recognize, assess, and develop more helpful thoughts.

In behavior therapy, your behavior takes center stage. Your behavior affects how you feel. In behavior therapy, you work with a psychologist to examine your behaviors and how you can change them positively.

This involves breaking non-helpful behavioral patterns. Often, our behavior perpetuates certain emotions and illogical beliefs. This tendency is somewhat logical because we prefer to avoid things we expect to find challenging or unpleasant. However, how we behave often does not help in the long run; it is limiting. Therefore, it is helpful to assess behavior and learn different behaviors through behavioral experiments. This way, you discover that what you feared (for example, 'They will laugh at me') never actually happens. This realization boosts confidence to take action.

Een wandelpad tijdens de behandeling
Psychologie in het park

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR can help if you are experiencing psychological distress following a traumatic event, such as a serious car accident, abuse, or a violent incident. Through EMDR, you can process these distressing experiences by talking about them while your attention is diverted. This process can make the images less vivid and smaller, reducing the intensity and emotional impact of your memories.

EMDR can also be utilized to address anxieties.

Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT)

CFT is a form of therapy focused on consciously promoting compassion. Compassion for yourself and others. Having compassion means being understanding. It means looking at yourself or others with the same kindness when things go wrong as when everything is going well.

The concept behind CFT is that many of your emotional problems stem from self-critical thoughts and behaviors. By developing compassion and kindness towards yourself and others, you can regulate your emotions.

Therapie in het park
Psycholoog geeft therapie in de buiten lucht

Solution-Focused Therapy

Solution-Focused Therapy focuses on finding solutions to problems. During the therapy, the focus is not on extensively analyzing problems, but directly on the core question: what is the solution that fits you? In this form of therapy, you are the expert on your own problems. Together with the therapist, you actively work to address challenges.

Solution-Focused Therapy is a concise, time-bound, and goal-oriented approach to therapy. The goal is to help you get moving so that you can tackle your problems in your own way, with the support of your environment.

What are the costs

Sessions  last 60 minutes and cost 100 euros per session. I will send you the invoice.

Cancelling the session

You can cancel the appointment free of charge up to 24 hours in advance (via email), after which a fee of €50 will be charged.

Reimbursement through health insurance

If you are from outside the Netherlands and have health insurance with OOM, approximately 9 sessions will be reimbursed. Please contact OOM for more information.

In recent years, there has been a decrease in reimbursement for treatments for mental health issues from Dutch health insurance. Treatments for sleeping problems, burnout, stress-related problems, culture difference problems, studyproblems and grief processing are not covered. For all treatment you need to use your 'own risk' amount first.

At Zilverlinde, there is no reimbursement from the standard health insurance. This may have the advantage that no diagnosis is made. You do not need a referral from your general practitioner; you can simply make an appointment yourself without it being deducted from your own risk. I do not share information with your doctor or insurer. Privacy is guaranteed.

Reimbursement through your employer

You can discuss with your employer if they are willing to pay for (part of) your treatment. They also benefit from you being able to return to work mentally stronger more quickly. Employers can allocate a budget for this purpose. Several clients have successfully done so.